Disc Conveyors Compared to Other Types

Chain-Vey is a type of disc conveyor whose advantages stand out when compared to other types of conveyors systems, and even similarly looking cable tube disc (or disk) conveyors.

The chart on this page checks off the advantages that our tube disc conveyors have compared to other types of popular conveyors:

Chain-Vey Comparison Chart

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Each Conveyor Compared to Chain-Vey

Chain-Vey vs Pneumatic

Pneumatics among the different types of conveyor systems are great for moving robust product long distances. Chain-Vey also has the capability of long distances though with the added benefits of less segregation and breakage of fragile product. Chain-Vey systems also consume about 1/10th the energy of pneumatic systems of same lengths.

Chain-Vey vs Screw Auger Conveyors

Screw augers are a good choice for single direction conveying. Screw augers also are very simple and reliable by design. Chain-Vey however is a better fit for changes in direction. Chain-Vey is also simple by design, with one motor and a comparably compact footprint.

Chain-Vey vs Bucket Elevator Conveyors

Bucket conveyors are a tried-and-true solution for vertical and inclined conveying. They’re also popular for their compact footprints. Chain-Vey conveyors stack up well against these types of conveyor systems because Chain-Vey can do just as much upward conveying as bucket conveyors inside equally tight footprints. Plus Chain-Vey outperforms when it comes to a dust-tight, enclosed design and greater directional flexibility. Ultra-sanitary applications are also more ideal for Chain-Vey, as there are fewer potential places for pathogens to harbor inside a Chain-Vey.

Chain-Vey vs Cable Disc Conveyors

Cable tube conveyors are a solid technology known for their gentle, enclosed design, and similar flexibility. However, Chain-Vey systems are just as gentle as cable but are much stronger than cable. This translates into longer conveyor distances and greater heights possible. Chains also do not fray which means easier cleaning and better sanitation. Most importantly though, chains are virtually indestructible; they will not stretch over time, or worse, break in the middle of production. This is a decisive point for many customers of our Cable-to-Chain-Vey Retrofit program.

Chain-Vey vs Other Chain Disc Conveyors

Other chain and disc designs have either similar chain types or individually assembled chain links, all of which are very strong and reliable allowing for long distances. Chain-Vey though might be a better fit for particular foods and ultra-sanitary applications with the robust support of complementary equipment and options. MPE Chain-Vey engineers have developed three proprietary unique disc designs for optimal conveyance for your product. Chain-Vey’s Rotating Discharge Tube is one of the best discharge designs available. Our U-Track, and External and Pneumatic Tensioners make operating a Chain-Vey unbelievably easy. And our CIP Systems are the ideal sanitary conveying solution with a wide array of cleaning options. All these advantages mean you will be getting a custom system perfect for you.

Other Questions About Chain-Vey

I hear chains are hard to install and can twist easily. Is this true?

Absolutely not. Pulling a chain through a system is very easy. One person pulls, another keeps the chain links in the same direction. It will never twist after that. It’s that simple.

How much does Chain-Vey cost?

Our price is competitive to any other major tube disc conveyor. When looking at the overall lifetime cost of ownership, Chain-Vey is ahead of the competition. This includes its ultra-high reliability, low electricity consumption, and near-zero replacements parts in the first few years.

What kind of support after I purchase a Chain-Vey do I get?

All Chain-Veys are warranted for 1 year to be free of mechanical failure or imperfection. All Chain-Veys come with MPE’s legendary customer service and timely product support, which is a hallmark of our business since 1957.