Bi-Directional Chain-Vey

BY MPE Chicago | August 29, 2024 | Case Study , Chain-Vey

Streamlining Ingredient Batching for a Pet Food Manufacturer

Client: Mid-sized U.S. Pet Food Manufacturer
Objective: Expand ingredient batching capabilities while reducing system complexity


A growing pet food manufacturer needed to increase their batching efficiency as part of their production expansion. Traditionally, they utilized two separate systems—comprised of auger, bucket, or cable-based configurations—to manage ingredient distribution to multiple bins. This dual-system setup required additional installation time, ongoing maintenance, and increased operational costs.


MPE proposed a bi-directional conveying system that could serve both rows of ingredient bins with a single solution. This streamlined approach eliminated the need for two independent systems. By consolidating into one bi-directional unit, the manufacturer reduced installation requirements and minimized maintenance, while still achieving the expanded batching capacity they needed.


  • Reduced Complexity: The bi-directional system replaced two separate systems, simplifying both the installation and maintenance processes.
  • Cost Savings: Fewer components meant lower installation costs and reduced long-term maintenance expenses.
  • Increased Efficiency: The streamlined system allowed the manufacturer to meet their expanded production goals with a more efficient operation.

This upgrade not only enhanced batching capabilities but also optimized the manufacturer’s overall workflow. Chain-Vey tubular drag conveyors offer a host of added benefits, such as:

  • An enclosed design that doesn’t leak flours or fine ingredients
  • Easy changeovers with a clean-in-place wiper disc
  • No carryover buildup with a U-track inside the turnaround

To learn more about bi-directional Chain-Vey, email [email protected] or call +1-773-254-3929, or contact us here.

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